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Len Howe

Blue Collar

Rat's register number: 604. Initiated: 17 November 1963

Len was a true stalwart of the variety scene, working with his wife, Audrey Howe, as Len Howe & Audrey (Here's a Laughter Tonic!). They worked the top level circuit, appearing at the Palladium and at venues all around the world. Double patter, singing, dancing, mime comedy, audience participation, they covered the lot!

Len's personal skills included his renowned rendition of a 'drunk'; arguably the best in the business.

He also possessed excellent dexterity with various physical routines, notably his manipulation of a flat cap, involving rolling it from one hand to the other in a perfect, graceful arc across his back.

In later years he became a familiar face in television commercials and character roles.

He was one of the last of his kind.

Scribe Rat Mike Martin
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